Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bye-Bye ba-ba

Monday we started cutting back on the bottle usage. I deliberately did not fill one up before going to work. I took an empty one and hid it in my bag, but fortunately did not have to use it. Marsh sure did put up a fight though. When we got home, he wanted one so badly he was willing to go straight to bed. Of course, he woke up at 11 starving, so I had to fix a whole other meal, but that was okay because he fell right back to sleep after eating.

Tuesday he did pretty good too. He actually ate all of his dinner. Then he went to bed at bedtime without any fuss. He even sat in his crib for 5 minutes before the crying started. I only put a little milk in it, and he was fine. Oh, except that he needed to have his elephant in bed with him.

We don't have both sizes, just the big one that came with the train (which is "sleeping" in time out in the spare room because I cannot stand it: "Climb on board the animal train, come and sing along. Learning about animals is really lots of fun. Colors and sizes, what they say, if they're fast or slow. Learning about animals, there's so much to know! *choo choo*)

Anyway, he wanted the elephant. I let him have it. As I sit here typing this blog post, I can hear the ears, legs, and trunk being twisted, as they make a lovely loud clicking noise, and am dreading eagerly awaiting the cry for "MOMMY!" At least the clicking is a great warning device. It signals "Mom should get ready to jump up at a second's notice to fix whatever is wrong with baby."

Anyway, he is doing surprisingly well adjusting to no bottles during the day. I just hope he can keep it up! And that I have the patience to deal with:




Any tips or suggestions? I am totally open! I've been doing the milk in the sippy cup thing, but he really hates most of his sippy cups. Is there a brand that anyone prefers over another one? Really, totally open for suggestions here! :) THANKS! :)


I am a mother! said...

I wish I had some advice. I have the opposite problem that my kids hate bottles and will never take them. We go straight from nursing to the sippy cup...although Joy doesn't like the sippy cup very much either...

Jana Nielson said...

Ear plugs

Melanie said...

I'm with the previous commenter. Ear plugs are a great investment. When we took the bottle away from Leah we just did it cold turkey. Our pediatrician is very fond of saying, "Kids are too stubborn. They WILL NOT starve or dehydrate themselves." If you take something away from them long enough eventually they will take whatever they can get. In this case a sippy cup. Worked for us... good luck on whatever you decide!

Kathi D said...

I have no wisdom, but ear plugs sounds like a good idea!