Saturday, November 29, 2008

An old friend

I have a friend. I call her Louisa May. We used to play all the time. Then I grew up a little, and didn't have time for her.

Recently I began to read again. I read Stephenie Meyer (Twilight series), Ann Rinaldi (Time Enough for Drums, The Last Silk Dress), Patricia Clapp (Constance), and Joan Lowry Nixon (The Ellis Island trilogy). Finding myself enjoying reading very much, and wanting to read some more, I returned to my old friend: Louisa May Alcott. I read Eight Cousins. I had read it many years ago, but for the life of me didn't really remember anything about the story, except that Mac almost went blind. Then I read the sequel, A Rose in Bloom. Again, didn't remember much about this one, except for the fate of poor Charlie. Now I am reading An Old-Fashioned Girl. I apparently have read my copy of the book several times, as it is quite worn out, but I cannot for the life of me remember anything about the story! I feel like I am discovering it for the first time. It is so splendid. Next, I want to go to the library and check out the Little Women books. And then I want to watch the movie. You know, the one with Winona Ryder and Christian Bale (oh how I love to watch him in movies, particularly this one...and Newsies...and Batman)?

Anyway, I have rediscovered an old friend, and thought I would share. Who are some of your favorite authors? What books are you reading, or have you read that you go back to time and time again? As I have recently rediscovered the joy of reading, I hope that at some point this holiday season you all can find some small time to yourself to read and enjoy a good book too!


Petersons said...

ooh...I'm reading The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follett right now. It's so good, but I'm sure it will take me clear to the end of December to finish, it's 1000 pages.
Summer Sisters by Judy Blume is good...a bit dirty, but good. I read it just because it's Judy Blume and I loved her books when I was little.
Avery is starting to like Anne of Green Gables, another favorite from my childhood.

Kathi D said...

I love John Steinbeck, Anne Tyler, Mark Salzman, Anne Lamott, and a bunch of others who I am too senile to think of right now!

Anonymous said...

I love reading, but I zone out with a good book and don't come up for air until it's finished. So, in order to refrain from becoming a word zombie, I get zoned out on the computer!! Then, to avoid becoming an internet addict, I pick up my yarn and zone out of knitting. It's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to start on anything!

I love Dean Koontz. Although his books are not for normal people, I read him because the dogs in his novels NEVER get killed.

Hey, I didn't know KathiD read books!! Imagine!