Saturday, January 17, 2009

Catching up

I feel like I have been neglecting my blog again! SORRY! It has been so hectic. Wednesday Mike was supposed to fly in on a 12:30 flight from Denver. It got cancelled at 11. They put him on standby at 2 PM, 3:40 PM, and booked him a flight at 5:05 PM. Yeah, there went my whole day. He made it on the 3:40 flight, luckily, so he didn't get home too late. Not like the flight from Denver is very long. Maybe an opposed the the 8 hour drive out there.

While I waited for Mike to tell me which flight he'd be on, I ran up to the SLC to purchase some needed supplies for my business. I knew I had a couple of quilts that needed kind of a teal/turquoise color, but I couldn't remember how dark the fabrics were. I took a wild guess and bought a medium tone. Turns out it was the PERFECT color for a set of bumper pads and baby quilt I am doing for a client. LUCKY!

After the trip to the supplier, I stopped by my parents' house to wait for Mike's call (I was late picking him up, because his plane landed 30 minutes early! STUPID!). They have been converting their home from regular power to solar power. It has been quite the ordeal. They had to have several trees removed from their front yard (1 because it was rotting inside out and was splitting in 2 and would have fallen on the house. YIKES!). They had a new roof put in, and were without any heat for about a week while they installed a new solar-friendly, energy effecient heating system. They replaced 32 of the 34 windows, upgraded the wiring system, and installed a whole bunch of mini skylights. When I went over they already had the water heater solar panels up, but the regular panels (the other 50 or something crazy like that) hadn't arrived yet. CRAZY! Fortunately for my mom, things are getting a little less hectic now that the workers are done ripping out windows and molding, and reroofing, etc.

These next few pictures I took the other day at work. Marsh was so tired.
Now that he sleeps in a big boy bed with a big boy pillow, he always has to have a pillow to take a nap. He has a little baby pillow at the shop, so I wrapped my UTES sweatshirt around it to make it bigger for him. He loved it, and now always wants to use my sweater as a pillow. Great!
I got a couple of quilts done this week, despite the wasted day on Wednesday. This one turned out super cute. I wasn't sure about it at first, but when it was finished I liked it. Funny how that is. Some of my best, and favorite, work has started out with me not liking it at all. Hmm. I also did a baby girl quilt and a baby boy quilt.

I won't be working on Monday. It's a holiday. I'm taking it off. Also, I can't promise to get a lot done on Tuesday. It's the inauguration. I will be celebrating. :D Seriously, though, I will try really hard to get a lot done on Tuesday after the celebrating is over....maybe. :D

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