Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lookie what I just ordered!

So, I grew up watching these movies (the first 2, haven't seen the 3rd).
I love these movies.  They have a very special place in my heart, along with the old-school Chronicles of Narnia movies.

So anyway, I was flipping through the channels and found Anne of Green Gables playing on BYU TV.  It was the last 30 minutes.  Naturally I flipped it on.  It's not going to be on again for a really long time, so I went to Amazon and ordered it.  And, I paid the $4 for next day shipping (because it's a holiday Monday, I won't get it until Wednesday, but that's okay with me).

I am so excited.  I bought the collection, so I'm getting all three movies.  Next on my list?  The old Chronicles of Narnia.  Yup, gonna revisit my childhood.

Why are these movies so special?  Well, we used to watch a lot of PBS and KBYU growing up (public TV).  Everytime they had their telethons my cousins and I would get together and watch Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables: the sequel.  Sometimes they would play the Chronicles of Narnia all in a row.  And then, if we were lucky, they'd play Saturday's Warrior (but I never got to stay up that late to watch it).

So, if you haven't seen these movies, I strongly recommend that you watch them.  Go get them NOW.  They are totally worth it.  They're long, but good.  Like Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights, go get them now too!  I'll wait.  Okay, well, not really, but I'll be here when you are ready to discuss how freaking awesome these movies all are!  (Seriously, Jane Eyre is FABULOUS, and Toby Stephens...well....*swoon*)  And if you have already seen these and want more recommendations, just let me know.  I'll hook you up with some more must-see films in these same categories.  :)

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