Monday, October 24, 2011

Sew filled weekend

This weekend I was lucky enough to actually get to sew some more!  Yippee!  Okay, so in reality I was really sick and couldn't go anywhere, and rather than spend my days lounging on the couch watching infomercials, I opted to sit at my machine and sew.

I'm unfortunate lucky enough to get to sew in my kitchen, close to all of the household action.  Okay, okay, so it's not ideal, but it is the only available space in our tiny apartment.  I clear off our folding table/kitchen table and put my cutting mat on it.  I set the ironing board up in front of my desk, and pull my sewing machine out of the cabinet against the wall under the window (across from the table).  I have a rolling desk chair (it's a really nice one I bought at Office Depot last month) and I roll from place to place on my linoleum kitchen floor.  I know it doesn't sound great, but it actually works out perfectly.  I never have to get out of my chair! :)

So, what did I make this weekend?  I made the quilt to go with our Festival of Trees donation tree next month.  Our theme is "Lil' Boys Are Made Of" and we are using Sarah Jane's fabric Children at Play.  I finished piecing the quilt on Sunday afternoon, and it turned out so cute!

On Saturday I went to Joann's (I know, insane the week before Halloween) and bought fabric to make 2 donation quilts for the Colton's Angels charity showing of Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1.  I am making 2 different black, white, and red colored quilts for the door prize drawings.  I'm really excited about them.  Also, I'm really excited that they'll actually be done before the day before the movie (unlike previous years.  Procrastinate much? haha)

I don't have them quite finished yet, so no pictures....sorry.  But, I am hoping to have them finished some time this week and will post pictures later. :)


CLADING2222 said...

أغطية GRP هي حل حديث وفعال لتغطية فتحات الصرف الصحي والتفتيش في المناطق السكنية والتجارية والصناعية. بفضل وزنها الخفيف، مقاومتها للتآكل، وقدرتها على تحمل الأوزان العالية، تُعد خيارًا مثاليًا لتحسين كفاءة الصيانة وتقليل اماكن بيع اغطية الصرف الصحي على المدى الطويل. كما أنها توفر أمانًا أكبر ضد السرقة والعوامل البيئية، مما يجعلها بديلاً ممتازًا لأغطية الحديد الزهر التقليدية.

CLADING2222 said...

تُعد أغطية مناهيل الصرف الصحي عنصرًا أساسيًا في حماية شبكات الصرف وضمان سلامة الأفراد والمركبات. كما أنها تسهم في تحسين كفاءة الشبكات ومنع الحوادث والتلوث. مع تطور التقنيات، أصبحت الأغطية الحديثة، مثلاغطية grp في الرياض، خيارًا مثاليًا بفضل خفة وزنها، متانتها، ومقاومتها للعوامل البيئية والسرقة.